I am sitting here eating my breakfast thinking about the day coming, especially tonight (WE DANCE!) and wondering who is really reading this and what you are thinking. 308 is what the scale said this morning, I guess the scale decided to be on my side. Tina keeps asking me what little reward do I want when I pass the 300 mark and I really don't know. I haven't even thought about it, I have been so concentrating on the everyday exercising that I can't look past tomorrow or the next day. Any suggestions? Remember this has to be for me, and me alone, and no food rewards. I decided that last week, I got a cream soda bottle left and just keep pushing it away. I have no desire to drink it which is strange to me. I still have no cravings for the sweets or foods I haven't been eating. I guess once you find that reason, cause, self-motivation it really does make a difference. Don't get me wrong, every day is a struggle with this all but most of that is I want to be at the other end of this journey now. This is a very long journey and sometimes it seems impossible but I continue. I want that reward, that prize, that life at the other end of this journey.
Remember you can comment here, on FaceBook, or even email me at MrWertGumby@aol.com.
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