Been a quiet weekend and few days. I haven't posted and probably will not be posting much as it upsets Tina when I do. I doubt anyone is really reading this, especially when I don't link it to FB. I am just recording this as I have not been to the gym in a number of days, just so damn depressed and my back hurts more than ever. Tina says she can see the muscle extended up the right side of my spine like an arm under the skin. With all that in mind I still have been not eating as much, lost my appetite which is a good thing. I weighed myself this morning and I was 279, dropped 2 pounds in the last 2 days. I had to get on the scale 3 times to be sure.
My head has been in a strange place since Monday's therapy session; started to work on my inner child. She had me go through and try to connect to my inner child and well he ain't saying shit to me. Guess I lost that child as well. I also have been doing a lot of thinking about my idea for a new website. Don't have the full technical and business sense to pull it off right now. It's a big project and really would like to see it done. I know another great idea that will probably go nowhere, how depressing is that? I have reread several notes from friends on hanging in there from a few weeks ago to help me get out of this funk; they are keeping my head above water at this point. I need a kick in the ass. I really do. I still care about the journey and completing it just have to find a good motivation for it right now. I am about 6 pounds from the 50 mark, a third of the way through it all.
I got a phone interview with Travelers Insurance in Hartford today. I hope that goes well. I had one with BioClinica on Monday and haven't heard a word back, guess that didn't go well. I'll keep looking at jobs back in New England. I am working on learning ASP.NET MVC.
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