Thursday, August 30, 2012

This seems to be getting depressing.  I am sorry.  I will change that.  I awoke this morning with new vigor to my personal journey.  I have been thinking about how to get the most out of what I am doing with the weight loss.  I am averaging about half a pound a day and would like to see more.  I so want to be at the end of my journey, that prize, that reward, that life that awaits for me on the other side of this fat path.  It seems so far away I sometimes wonder if I will ever make it. But that desire, yearning, craving, I don't know what to call it, still resides deep within me.  I feel it like a little thing in the pit of my tummy.

I wish I had this a decade ago, or two, but it is here now and I am thankful for that or else I would not have the strength or will power to do this.  I honestly believe for anyone to make this hard journey it must be for something so personal that it may seem selfish.  It’s the motivation, the reason, the cause that I have read in many articles about weight loss that makes the difference.  So, I say if you are wanting to make this hard journey, and it is hard, you have to look within yourself and find a reason for you and you alone to do this.  You can't do this for anyone else, it has to be for yourself, that way you won’t feel the need to cheat or give up.  I still believe the rewards along the way also must be selfish in nature to help you want to reach those little mile markers.  I haven't set any smaller goals/rewards as of yet and I should as I will be pass the 300 mark soon.  I know that may sound like not a major deal but it is, at least to me.

We got that gym membership last night, Lifetime Fitness.  They were having a special.  I use to go there in 2004-2005 to swim but gave it up when we got the pool.  We plan to go tonight probably after 7:30, wait for the crowd of beautiful people to go home.  I plan to do the 20 minute walk and then an hour swim there to start and then will add some other things once the tummy begins to go away.

I have started to make a list of things that have helped me in these few weeks of just losing 13+ pounds and surely would appreciate helpful hints for anyone else.  Thought they might help someone else or even the future me.

Christmas of  ’13

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