Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We are asked so often "How are you doing?" that the answer seems to not matter to both you and the person asking.  Well this morning I am doing a little better that yesterday and tomorrow I should be a little better than today both physically and mentally.  Yes, I had a therapy session yesterday and I learned a few things, the biggest thing I learned was that I have been mistaken.  Yup you heard it, I said I was wrong.  Laugh but those who know me know that I will freely admit when I am wrong. (One should be able to say "I was wrong" easily so that they can fix it.)  Well I was wrong in saying that one should be selfish about this type of journey or any type of self-improvement journey.  It's not selfish, it's self-preservation; you have to take care of yourself first before you can take care of others.  If you are unhappy how can you make others smile?  If you are doing something that doesn't feel right to you and is making you miserable then STOP IT!  It's like the old Henny Youngman joke: The patient says, "Doctor, it hurts when I do this." "Then don't do that!"(Laugh)  My advice is if you are unhappy with life then change it.

I know I have issues and I am dealing with them just fine at this point with my new outlook on life and my drive to a new place to be, happiness.  I know I will have to grieve for the loss of some people (my mother, my sister, and Andrew Thomas) in my life but right now I can't stop and do that, I have some place to be and I am in a hurry. That may seem to be cowardice on my part but it is how I choose to deal with those issues at this time in my life.  As for the misplaced love, well I know that will fade as it should; it can't go anywhere and I am learning to live with that. It breaks my heart but that is life.  I can only hope a new love will fill my empty heart when I am ready, probably at the end of this journey.  Who will it be?  I don't know and won't venture to guess as I have to keep focused on this hard work, this journey itself and not the payoffs or what will happen next in my life.

I did receive some unwanted news today.  Marshall informed me that they will be closing the pool at the gym for a few weeks and I will have to go to another Lifetime Gym to swim.  It means more drive time added to the morning rush.  Hopefully it won't be that bad and some good will come of it.  I have to start looking at the bright side of things.

I also added a link to site I ma using for my daily exercise and food intake which also is tracking my weight loss.  Looks pretty doesn't it?  I know it doesn't look like I made much progress so far :-(

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