Thursday, November 1, 2012

9 pounds from my goal of 50 pounds by Thanksgiving.  I wonder if I will make it.  I should be thinking about some sort of reward; maybe the president or someone important will call and congratulate me.  I can only hope (crosses fingers and toes -- Ouch!).  Thanksgiving won't be much this year as both Tina and I are on diets but the child wants a full turkey and the dressings'.  We are planning to go and see the Baylor/Tech Game that Saturday as a family at the new Texas Stadium.  Well, I say new because that's how everyone refers to it; it’s been around for a couple of years.

I see all my friends in New England fared well through Sandy; I am happy for you all.  Still would like to hear from some of you as to how specifically how you are and you know who you are.  I am getting ready for the December trip will probably at this point be spending most of it on my own just kicking about in New England seeing old haunts.  I guess I got a lot of thinking to do then.  It will give me a chance to feel the cold weather up close and personal again.  Maybe this old man might not want to get back into the cold; don't know, I know I hate the Texas summer heat and the endless non-season seasons.  (If that makes sense to anyone.)

I have been looking at jobs back in the major cities of New England and have sent a few resumes off but I think the big move is pushed off for at least a year (big sigh!).  I also have been learning new programming skills; I have an idea for a new social media site.  (Yeah, I know you've heard that before.)  Still keeping my mind busy to keep out of the doubts and let-downs.

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