Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Well I am back on the treadmill of life; doing that endless walk to thinnerness.  (Is that a word?)  I got a little pep talk from a friend about not giving up.  That this is about me and FOR me.  That the reward or payoff at the end will be something, who knows what but there will be something there.  There will be at least a thinner happier healthier me at the end.  Trust me it's still hard with all the aches and pains I feel, especially in my back.  I know one payoff I pray for is that the backaches will stop.  I'll probably need a few more pep talks before this journey is done.  I was up and out the door by 4am and on the treadmill in short time.  I even did 2 minutes and 15 seconds on the elliptical.  (Yup, I am still braving that one.)  Was nice in the pool; it really helps my back and burns the calories.  I suggest to anyone wanting to lose weight that swimming is a great way to burn calories.  Yes, I am told you do sweat while swimming. 

I finished one quilt and will take it to a long arm quilter this Saturday for her to put it all together for me.  She says she can have it ready by the end of November.  I started working on the second quilt and I am going to rush that one as I hope she can get it done for my trip.  The third quilt which is for Tina will take some time; she really gave me a challenge on that one.  It's a mini Texas Star style, trapezoids and fussy angles.

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