Monday, August 13, 2012

Two slices of bread and a slice of cheese can make a difference.  Last night I wrote how crappy I felt and really couldn't do my workouts, I couldn't do anything and I wasn't fooling around or being a baby about it.  I am determined to do this!  I went to bed feeling the sweat and nausea of failure, I cried myself to sleep because I didn't want my goal, my end journey to slip away with only so few steps being made into it.  I now understand I need carbs in my diet, at least a few,  I have to maintain, I have to keep control, focus, drive through this.  I have a goal, a dream, no a reality! and I am more than determined to get there even if it kills me.  Kids, listen to your bodies, they do talk and tell you want they need.  I'll write more have to get ready for work as I am off to a very late start this morning.  Remember, comments and suggestion are wanted, specially words of encouragement (thanks for all those who have been doing so).


  1. Hi Mike- I am fighting a weight problem as well. My doctor, who is awesome, told me she is proud that I have 'maintained' the same weight all these years,and not added to it, even though I am not in my ideal 'bmi 'on the chart . I hate that chart in the dr's office! But she did say the only carbs I need are the ones from fruits and veggies. Years ago I did cut out all white flour products and sugar and the weight came off. I did not keep it up and so it all came back again. But I know it is the only way for me so I am trying to psych myself up to cutting them out again. I'm such a carbaholic (I think it started with those Drakes Pies at the Solid Rock, LOL). The protein really does curb cravings. Another thing is the bread: Joseph's flax and oat bran pita bread as well as FiberOne's country white bread are higher in protein and fiber and lower in carbs than the others. Don't know if you have those in your area. Thanks for sharing your story. Marcia

  2. Thank you Marcia for the great advice. You mentioned the Solid Rock, could it be, the same one I know of...a church back in Mansfield? That was a crazy time for my family, my mom got us going there when it started and then she moved onto a new church in Good News Chapel in Attleboro. WOW!
